Utilizing smart technology, Paston automatically extracts and verifies data from various sources. Discover what information is missing, which is essential for making product changes, and identify the products that best match your customers' needs.
Manage portfolios smarter
Efficiently transfer non-selling products to selling products with Paston. Switch more quickly from one MGA to another. Make smart decisions between products and improve data quality without hassle.
Give proactive advice
Automatically provide customers with advice based on the most current premiums and conditions. Simplify the digital switching process and position yourself at the forefront to offer additional products.
Switch more quickly from non-selling to selling product
Quickly discover differences between products at both a commercial and operational level. Enrich essential product data effortlessly and enhance data quality.
Increase your profitability
Improve customer loyalty
Improve the data quality
Anticipate to changes faster with Paston.
In less than 30 minutes you will learn to know the software.